John Layfield

John Layfield


United States


QUOTES BY John Layfield

In West Texas, where I grew up, I had a wind farm planned. I'd gotten the turbines bought and the land acquired, and then the renewable energy credit imploded, and it killed the margins, so the deal never worked, but the investment bank I was working with asked me and said, 'We really like what you did. Would you come to work for us?'

I'm a part of major league rugby. We had a league meeting to decide what to do with anthem protests, and even though I personally agree with what they say they are protesting as inequality and judicial system and incarceration rates among minorities, we decided all should stand and respect every national anthem.

When people look at Bermuda, they see the beautiful beaches, the golf courses, the fishing, and that's what they should see. That's Bermuda. What they don't see is the almost predominant black-on-black violence that is unfortunately pervasive throughout the local neighborhoods.

Walmart has stores in almost every city in North America. When they go to same-day delivery, they don't have to build warehouses across North America like Amazon has to do. It is so much cheaper for Walmart to use existing stores as distribution centers.

Leaving college early to play pro football was the best thing that happened to me. I got to drop the most boring poetry class. Dumbest thing I did was being in that class.

I grew up a big fan of the J. R. Ewing character of the 'Dallas' TV show, and I grew up around people who were very similar to J. R.: they had come into a ton of money. And they loved to flaunt it and loved to drive fancy cars and wear the big cowboy hats and nice suits.

For all these internet fans out there that want to hate Roman Reigns and say, 'No, we're standing up because we don't like him...' Few people in the history of this business walk into an arena and everybody stands on their feet - everybody.

If we lose Saudi Arabia because of sanctions or by avoiding them, they're going to China; they're going to Russia.

When I broke my leg in college my first year, they were worried that I wouldn't walk straight again. In fact, I'm pretty pigeon-toed, and most people think I don't walk straight anyway.