John McGinn

John McGinn


United Kingdom



When you are growing up to even be involved in a Scotland squad is a massive achievement, to go on and play for your country is an amazing thing, something I will never take for granted.

I'm ambitious, which is why I chose Villa.

Hibs are such a brilliant club, amazing training ground, good coaches, and a great platform for Scottish players to get better.

For every Scottish player and whoever qualifies to play for Scotland, it's important to put in the performances and, when a squad is coming up, to stay on your toes and prove you deserve to be there.

It's never nice looking over your shoulder and needing other results but sometimes that happens in football. It's a lot better to know your future is in your own hands.

If you get too high it comes back to bite you on the backside so I was always aware in spells before when I've done well in a season, eventually there was a wee dip.

Hopefully I can challenge myself and establish myself as a Premier League player for Aston Villa.

When a Scottish player goes down the road you're always going to get doubters. You always get people saying you're from a pub league.

Going to places like Tynecastle, where you're so close to the crowd, you get reminded how ugly you are and stuff like that!