Johny Hendricks

Johny Hendricks


United States


QUOTES BY Johny Hendricks

I don't really believe in that ring rust stuff.

One thing I've learned is portion control. So, for example, if I eat pizza, instead of eating the whole thing, I eat three slices, and then I put it up.

I grew up working hard to earn everything I had.

If I don't get the love of the sport back, it's not about winning or losing to me: it's about having fun. If I can wake up and enjoy what I do, it's gonna show in the octagon.

What I've done is back off weight training and do more wrestling, cardio - where you're building muscle but not building weightlifting muscle.

There's no reason to be involved in the sport if I'm not going to fight to my best ability.

I always thought I could be pretty good, and it turns out fighting has made me happy.

As an athlete, there is no bigger compliment in my mind you can pay a guy when you say he can get the job done despite the obstacles he'll face.

Growing up wrestling, you get injured, and they expect you back on the mat in a couple weeks unless it's really bad.