Jon Hopkins

Jon Hopkins


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Jon Hopkins

I'm a bit snobbish about breakfast: eggs benedict, or eggs royale, or something like that. Or just some really amazing, proper brown toast with smoked salmon, lemon, and black pepper. That's a great start to the day.

There's never been a time when there hasn't been ritualistic dancing, and I think clubbing is our modern incarnation of that.

A lot of my creative ideas begin in the pub, talking through possibilities with collaborators.

If you're a traveling artist, you probably experience insomnia at some point. You need things to be the right temperature, the right light... it's essential.

I love starting a track in one place and not knowing where it's going to end up.

Learning how to be calm and centered in any situation is a skill for life, whatever you do.

Well, I don't really use MIDI that much. But I do record audio around me a lot, and just layer it up and see what effect it has, without any aforethought.

I love that tension between machine sounds and organic sounds, and also the contrast between abrasive sounds and soft sounds.

Some machine-y music is great, but you can apply any groove to any song now - there's literally a massive drop-down menu on most programs. And that's what takes the human being out of the process.