Jonas Blue

Jonas Blue


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Jonas Blue

Anyone can be a DJ but it's understanding how to read a crowd and keeping them on the floor is what takes years of experience.

If I could stay in a dressing gown all day I would.

When I was seven years old I played the flute, then by 11 I quit being a musician and got into Djing.

It's definitely hard to have relationships. When your life moves so quickly, people generally want replies on messenger apps and sometimes I don't get back to people for two or three weeks.

I got into DJing because that was the coolest thing to do and I've never looked back.

I come from the streaming world, so the changing trend of consuming music that way is positive for me.

I'm a songwriter and producer, so I'm always wanting to make my own stuff, and not use anybody else's.

I was a bit of a hot head when I was younger so I used to burn a lot of bridges.

I've gone through a lot of 'nos' from record labels but I've built a great team along the way and that's the best thing you can have - people around you who believe in you and drive you forward.