Jonathan Scott

Jonathan Scott




QUOTES BY Jonathan Scott

When you have a quality mattress, great sheets, and a good duvet with the perfect fill, it all works together to give you the perfect sleep.

If you want to have a good sleep, you have to have a good mattress.

We were always thinking big, dreaming big - no project was too big for us to tackle, and that comes from how we were raised. Our parents actually said to us, 'If somebody says you can't do something, find five ways to do it.'

I'm not big on chemicals, and I like to try to do things as natural as possible.

The big message I give to all of our clients, and anyone we lecture to, is you have to be smart with your money.

As comfortable as I am being single, nothing beats sharing your happiness with someone you love.

I don't trust people who don't like dogs.

We stay on top of design styles and aren't afraid to take on new challenges.

The first time I had my dreams crushed was when I was scammed, and somebody stole all of my magic props. I was a teenager, and I had put all my money into that. I had literally wanted to be the next David Copperfield. And that was all taken away.