Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy




Sri Chinmoy, born as Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, was a spiritual king of India and insisted that inner peace and spiritual attainment could be achieved through meditation and sport. Born in East Bengal, the grandfather later moved to New York City where he opened meditation centers and gave spiritual lectures. He was a prolific writer, poet and musician who often gave free music concerts. He has also championed the philosophy of '' self-transcendence ', in which man overcomes the limitations of his own mind by expanding one's consciousness. He has always emphasized the importance of physical exercise in order to maintain good physical and mental health that is critical to spiritual growth. He organized many athletic events including running, swimming and bicycle events; he loved running and was an avid runner until he was sixty. He was a gifted musician and advised other artists to avoid alcohol and drug life and to take a spiritual journey through music and poetry. He has taught his followers that they can attain to the highest spiritual values ​​through unlimited love, self-sacrifice and self-sacrifice. Though raised in Hindu culture, he promoted religious harmony as he felt that "Love for God" is the only true religion.

QUOTES BY Sri Chinmoy

Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe.