Jordan Fisher

Jordan Fisher


United States


QUOTES BY Jordan Fisher

It is very important to have deep friendships of the opposite sex to learn so much about yourself and what you need as a human.

I have a tattoo on my arm that says, 'Would you be proud to die this way?' And that's my reminder to continue to treat people well and love people, and if I took my last breath right now, would I be happy with who I am?

This is all I wanna do; I want to entertain. I want to make music. I want do film.

There are over 400 parks in all 50 states that represent our country and that are enriched with stories that tell about how our country became what it is today. There is a lot of history frozen in these places.

What I learned growing up in Red Mountain Theatre Company is real power and time management and how to represent myself well. How to show up earlier and stay later. Red Mountain Theatre Company, in my opinion, is the most incredible theater conservatory in the world.

I like people to be honest and transparent. It bothers me when people feel the need to embellish stories to make themselves look better.

Never find yourself bored at work.

I've always, always loved dancing.

I've worked at a Game Stop and had my service turned down before because of the color of my skin. And it's a shame.