Jordan Henderson

Jordan Henderson


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Jordan Henderson

When you win or lose, no-one dies: you win, or you lose.

You will get criticism throughout your career. All the best players have had it at some stage, and they haven't let it ruin their careers. I won't, either.

It's not about individuals; it's all about team work.

I'm a big believer in having to go through hard times to get to where you want to be. Nothing comes easy. You have to work.

It's in the DNA of Liverpool Football Club to win trophies.

Criticism's healthy. It gives you that extra little bit inside you to prove people wrong, to use it as energy, to use it as fuel.

Sometimes I can be a little bit cautious in keeping the ball, playing a safe pass rather than an adventurous one.

It's about being focused on what you want to achieve. That's all I do.

I love to get to Dubai. It's an impressive place, and you can do lots of different things there - beach, shopping, and other fun things.

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