Joshua Bell

Joshua Bell


United States


QUOTES BY Joshua Bell

When you play a violin piece, you are a storyteller, and you're telling a story.

I want to do everything. That's my problem. Life is short, and I hate the idea of turning down anything. You never know what interesting experience might happen.

I hope I will always have the chance to play the violin.

We live in a very chaotic world that sometimes we - it just seems like a mess. One of the reasons why we listen to music, and to great classical music in particular, is that everything is in an order and in a place and has a beauty that you see in nature, that you see and that people look for when they look for God.

No one tells you what to do if you completely flop at the beginning of a performance.

Beethoven's fourth and seventh symphonies have a certain amount in common. Well, of course they're both written by Beethoven, but besides that, I would say their overall effect and idea is to provide the listener with an incredible sense of joy.

What drew me to the violin was mastering the instrument technically, which I'm continuing to do.

I think, as an artist, it's very important to continue to be challenged and feel challenged all the time.

Conducting is a strange thing to teach.