John Ray

John Ray


United Kingdom


John Ray was born in the town of Black Notley in Essex. He is said to have been born in the hollow, whose father was a local petite. After attending Braintree school, he was sent to the University of Cambridge at sixteen: studying at Trinity College. First at Catharine Hall, her priestess was Daniel Duckfield, and later she moved to Trinity where her pastor was James Duport, with her close friend and former student Isaac Barrow. Ray was chosen as the youngest Trinity in 1649, and later became a great man. He held many college offices, became a lecturer in sequence studies in Greek (1651), mathematics (1653), and personality (1655), praelector (1657), independent (1657), and college administrator (1659 and 1660); and according to the custom of that time, he used to preach at his college college and at Great St Mary's, long before he took the holy orders on December 23, 1660. Among these sermons are his expressions of the wisdom of God manifested in the works of creation, and of the Flood and the End of the World. Ray was also considered a teacher and conveyed his passion for natural history to many students. Ray's student, Isaac Barrow, helped Francis Willughby learn math and Ray collaborated with Willughby later. It was on the Trinity that he came under the influence of John Wilkins, when the king was crowned king of 1659.


Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.

No better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity, modesty and humility, a gracious temper and calmness of spirit; no true beauty without the signature of these graces in the very countenance.