Julia Holter

Julia Holter


United States


QUOTES BY Julia Holter

The classic problem in a relationship is a person trying to control the other person. People just want to conquer somebody.

'Tragedy' and 'Loud City Song' are both inspired by stories from the past.

I often find that I like the vibe of not having technology around me.

I think what's interesting in L.A. is that there's a lot of variety because L.A. is very spread out. I think there is a lot I don't know about, to be completely honest. It's a very mysterious town.

'Have You in My Wilderness,' the title track, is about the idea of possessing a person, or saying, 'You're mine; you're in my world now.' I was drawn to that as an idea less from my own experience than from listening to music written by men that was kind of male gaze-y.

David Bowie - I definitely knew some of his music as a teenager, but I didn't actually listen to his music as much until I was in my 20s.

I was pretty scared of the idea as a younger person of being a musician on the road. It didn't occur to me as a possibility.

Amidst all the internal and external babble we experience daily, it's hard to find one's foundation.

I try to ignore people's opinions about my music - you don't want to hold yourself back because of that stuff.