Julien Baker

Julien Baker


United States


QUOTES BY Julien Baker

Often, small things give me hope when big things feel so oppressively bleak.

My harmonies on 'Me & My Dog' are a little extra.

Passivity is a tacit endorsement of evil we are too afraid to oppose actively.

I hate those articles - this is a pet peeve of mine - like move over X, here's the new Y. And it's just like, X didn't become obsolete because there's a person doing a similar thing. You also don't have to be like the new old-thing, you're just the current you-thing.

A lot of artists I like end up being queer. Or maybe it's a subconscious thing that you can identify of, like, 'Oh this person understands the nuances of the romantic narrative of a queer person, or the social narrative of a queer person.' And then you discover, lo and behold that they are a queer person.

The thing that is comforting about being a touring musician is whenever I say bye to my friends, I'm like, 'I don't know when I'll see you again but it'll be sooner than I think and if it's not soon then it won't matter.'

Spotify stresses me the hell out.

I had a hot-pink mohawk in high school, and when I came out everyone was like, 'We don't care.'

It's super cool to me when my manager screencapped Sharon Van Etten saying my album is great on Twitter and I about cried 'cause she's a hero. And that led to... I got to have lunch with her! I got to meet a hero!