Juliette Lewis

Juliette Lewis


United States


QUOTES BY Juliette Lewis

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.

I don't want a tan, but I do love blushes in colors that give you that whole sun-kissed thing.

I kind of imagine myself at eighty, a cat lady.

My eyebrows are a mess. They're skinny; they're dodgy.

In detective land, you have to deal with a lot of intense emotions, so you yourself have to remain mostly unemotional and detached. These are people, like law enforcement and surgeons, in professions that don't have the luxury of being able to be emotional or to break down. In my line of work, it's almost a requirement.

I think I can be beautiful with all the little stuff done, and I can be ugly. A lot of attractive actresses can't be ugly.

For me, a spiritual and existential crisis is the same thing in that your foundation gets rocked.

When I feel something, I feel it to the ninth power.

I love L.A. I fall more in love with it as I get older.