Julio Jones

Julio Jones


United States


QUOTES BY Julio Jones

Every receiver should feel that he's the best. It's all about confidence.

Everybody has to be accountable on every play. The main thing is that we have to do our job. Going through all of the keys, making sure we are making the right reads, blocking the right person and getting the right route depth. Everything.

The player I am, if I drop a ball, keep throwing it.

I got to go out there and catch the ball, be more of a deep threat.

I've got to keep showing up every day and putting in work.

It's one of those things when you're down in the red area, a lot of teams double me. Two-man, guys sit underneath me, so I can't really slant. They have a safety kind of cheated out, as far as the fade balls and things like that. But when we get our opportunities, we've got to make people pay.

I don't think about yardage.

It's all about winning matchups.

You should never put another man in front of you and say he's better than you.