Julius Peppers

Julius Peppers


United States


QUOTES BY Julius Peppers

There's a lot of games played, a lot of snaps played over the long haul.

My stepdad was a farmer, so growing up, during summer breaks, I woke up every morning and went to work. Harvesting tobacco, picking cucumbers, gathering watermelons from the patch, pulling up sweet potatoes... stuff like that.

You go to the Super Bowl in your second year and you're like, 'OK, cool. I'll be back next year or the year after that.'

That's something that I struggled with - talking to my mother about some of the problems that I had.

A lot of people don't really understand that a statistic is an indicator, but it doesn't really give the full picture of the body of work. There's been time when I've had one sack or no sacks and controlled a whole game, and I've seen other cats get three or four sacks and it had no effect on that game.

It's one thing to play football in this league and make a living, but it's a totally different thing to come to a place with a rich tradition like the Bears.

After considering the ways that I might be able to help young college students, I decided to continue my support of the Light on the Hill scholarship. I would like to endorse this particular fund and encourage other former UNC students who have found success to reach back and assist the efforts of current and future Tar Heels.

The Super Bowl ring eluded me, but I don't need that to validate me. I would have loved to have helped deliver that to the fans in Carolina, but I'm content with the career that I had.

If you're playing 55 to 60 snaps, you have opportunities to pace yourself, pick spots. When you're not playing as many and you don't know necessarily when you're going to be in, you do have to sometimes make it happen when you're out there.