Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris


United States


QUOTES BY Kamala Harris

My mother had a saying: 'Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you're not the last.'

The American dream belongs to all of us.

I was raised to be an independent woman, not the victim of anything.

What's important for my daughter to know is that... if you are fortunate to have opportunity, it is your duty to make sure other people have those opportunities as well.

Here's the thing: every office I've run for I was the first to win. First person of color. First woman. First woman of color. Every time.

If we do not lift up women and families, everyone will fall short.

The truth is that the vast majority of Americans are good, fair, and just, and they want their country to reflect those ideals.

I often advocate that we look at many sides of an issue, walk in someone else's shoes, and identify and reject false choices.

You have to see and smell and feel the circumstances of people to really understand them.