Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel




QUOTES BY Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Beauty is that which is simultaneously attractive and sublime.

A family can develop only with a loving woman as its center.

Man is a creative retrospection of nature upon itself.

Combine the extremes, and you will have the true center.

Mysteries are feminine; they like to veil themselves but still want to be seen and divined.

Irony is a clear consciousness of an eternal agility, of the infinitely abundant chaos.

Every uneducated person is a caricature of himself.

Eternal life and the invisible world are only to be sought in God. Only within Him do all spirits dwell. He is an abyss of individuality, the only infinite plenitude.

Art and works of art do not make an artist; sense and enthusiasm and instinct do.

VIEW MORE QUOTES BY Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel