Kat Timpf

Kat Timpf


United States



To be an Instagram model, you absolutely cannot just post pictures of yourself in a bikini for the sake of people seeing you in a bikini - even if that is exactly what you are doing. No, you need to caption these photos with an inspirational quote so that people will know that you are not just a butt, you're a gosh dang philosopher.

There are some professions, of course, where licensing is important. For example: If there's someone out there claiming to be a top heart surgeon whose only qualifications are having played Operation as a child, then I'm going to have a problem with that. I'm definitely going to say that jail time is appropriate in this instance.

It's always better to treat those with whom you disagree with compassion - if not for compassion's sake, then because it makes it much more likely that they'll actually be willing to listen to what you have to say.

President Donald Trump has now sued the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN over opinion pieces that they've published - and really, he should stop.

See, as a libertarian, I am actually far more liberal on the issue of immigration than many people might expect.

Although I certainly do love animals, I have to admit that I also love eating them. (Particularly cows. And chickens. And the occasional lamb).

The United States is, after all, supposed to be a free country - and it has never made any sense to me that choices about what to put into our own bodies aren't ours and ours alone.

There is value in education, but, as we do with anything else, we should start being careful to weigh that value with the price tag that's attached to it.

If you have ever read my columns, you know how important free speech is to me... and how important it should be to everyone.