Katie Piper

Katie Piper


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Katie Piper

I've come to the conclusion that we're all responsible for our own happiness and the happiness in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. I'm a big believer in positive thinking.

The world is more competitive and social media drives this. It's woman against woman when it comes to appearance, possessions and friendship circles.

Anywhere, you're going to get people who are ignorant or rude but it's not the whole of society. I don't think my life is doomed because I look like this.

I feel like I've lived two or three completely different lives. At 33, I'm quite reflective and have the perspective you get in your old age when you have been through the losses of life.

My biggest hope for the future is that we're successful in delivering the treatment to people through the charity and that burns just become something that happens in people's lives but doesn't make them a misfit in society and exclude them and stop all their dreams and ambitions.

There were times after the accident when I felt very lonely - burns survivors can feel terrible isolation. I wanted to create something that connects us all together, so that was the idea behind the Katie Piper Foundation.

I have managed to conquer my fear of fire one fish at a time. I've gone from eating sushi to prawns, to baking sea bass fillets.

Try to remember that every action you take in life will have a consequence and a reaction for other people, and that it's the same on social.

There are so many things that can happen to us in life where you think, 'I can't cope. I can't deal with it,' but you probably can.