Kevin Jonas

Kevin Jonas


United States


QUOTES BY Kevin Jonas

A lot of people think the path to success is a straight line, but it's not. It has got many turns and curves, and you just got to go with the ebbs and flows of it all.

We are not a boy band in the traditional sense. We don't dance or have synchronized moves. We are a pop-rock band.

We Skype all the time - me and my brothers, and especially me and Dani. Anytime we're apart from the person we're with, we're always trying to be in touch and call.

We're guys that like to make fun music, music that people like. And I think, for us, it's just important to always keep your mind in the right place and always keep your heart in the place of making music that you love.

People seriously ask us all the time, 'Are you guys really brothers?'

I want healthy children.

Our shows are just like that. The screaming is constant, nonstop, and there's not one minute of silence during the show. It's pretty intense.

You forget everything that happened with the first one. Like, at first, I was like, 'How do I swaddle a baby again? Can I hold her like this?' It's like your brain is kind of melting. When you're in the hospital, you're like, 'They really shouldn't let us go home yet.'

For us, our musical journey has just been a progression. We're not trying to grow up too fast or anything, and I'm saying that even coming from being married. For us, we're growing up with our audience.