Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens




QUOTES BY Kevin Owens

My dad's father would take me to WWE shows when I was younger, and my other grandfather, my mom's dad, would watch wrestling with me at the house. They just really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, they both passed away before I signed with WWE.

Thank God for FaceTime. I can't imagine wrestlers from the '80s being on the road all the time without cell phones and stuff like that.

I was actually a big Owen Hart fan, but I wasn't a Bret Hart fan at all growing up.

I've never been the sort of guy who wants to emulate this guy or that guy. I just try to forge my own path.

I enjoy every second I get in the ring. But there's a bigger picture now and a much bigger purpose to everything, and it's to take care of my kids and my wife and make sure they have a good future.

I wanted to become a wrestler because I saw a tape of Wrestlemania XI. I thought to myself I wanted to be a WWE superstar one day, and now here I am.

I played hockey until I was 13 or 14 years old.

I will be driving on the road after a show at night, and it will hit me that I am a WWE superstar, and this is what I dreamed about, and I get to live it.

I am not the typical WWE superstar.