Kourtney Kardashian

Kourtney Kardashian


United States


QUOTES BY Kourtney Kardashian

My best friend and I went to sleep-away camp every summer. We'd share stories of making out with boys, but we never did, so we made it all up. My real first kiss was at a friend's house when I was in junior high. He was such a good kisser, and we're still close friends!

I have oatmeal every morning with whole milk, bananas, and cinnamon, and it's just the best thing ever.

I remember, when I went away to college at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, my aunt sent me a book with the rules of being a Southern Belle. One of the rules was to never wear white after Labor Day. Fashion has a lot to do with confidence and making up your own rules.

There's no one else I would rather have as my manager than my mom because I know that she has our best interests at heart. Sometimes, it's hard to separate manager mode from mom mode. I think as our manager, my mom will get more emotional about situations than she would if she was just our manager.

Being alone & actually sitting with our own thoughts can lead to such growth and realizations that are rare in our everyday busy lives.

I've learned to set boundaries and know when to say, 'I just need to rest.' I'm good at listening to what my body's telling me.

I'm short, and I always need to alter everything, and I alter a lot of what I wear.

Interior decor is my guilty pleasure. If I'm going to splurge on something, it's more for my home than for clothes.

I am always trying to evolve, so I like to read parenting books and things like that.

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