Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak


Russian Federation


QUOTES BY Ksenia Sobchak

Problems in our country haven't been caused by Donald Trump, America and its ambitions or CIA spies. Our problems are rooted in a bad government system, the lack of free elections, independent courts and freedom of speech.

The only thing which is important to do is to tell about the values I share. It's to say how important liberalization of Russia is.

My burden is my past as a TV star. But, you know, pasts cannot be a life sentence.

My voters, my core audience, are young people in Russia, so I actually do what I need to have their support.

With men it's always like this in Russia - they always want to be the head of everything.

I'm a politician who's against corruption that Putin has done in our country.

According to international law, Crimea is Ukraine's. Period.

Any window of opportunity is important. If your hands are tied, you should swim with your legs. If your legs are tied, you should try to hold on to the edge of the boat with your teeth. We have to use every option.

In the end, believe me, there will be no friendship between Trump and Putin.