


United States



At some point, I had to ignore what people thought of me. I had to be my own biggest fan from an early age. Once I learned that, it was like a superpower. That was the armor that got me through high school.

We really have the power to illuminate all negative things in our life, but we have to find that light source inside of us and really tap in with it and reconnect with it.

'Beautiful Loser' had a lot of great records. It had a lot of really heartfelt songs on there. But I felt, at the time, it didn't have it's own cohesive sound.

If you can't love yourself, you can't love other people.

When I heard my first rap song and figured out what that was, I kind've stuck to it. I always wanted to be a musician in general, an entertainer. I just started rapping. I never decided, 'Oh, I want to be a rapper.'

I really like blending two things together that are polar opposites. Because I feel like, in a large aspect, that's kinda like what I am.

Everybody on my street was broke, running around with no shoes on. We didn't have money, but we played tag, we talked. It was great.

When you roast yourself, it makes everybody else comfortable.

It's not about being happy 100 percent all the time, cause that's just life. I make sad songs, too, that really only make the happy songs better.