Laura Jane Grace

Laura Jane Grace


United States


QUOTES BY Laura Jane Grace

I grew up with a mother who always had every fashion magazine stacked up on the side of her bed. When I was really young, I'd lie in bed with her, and we'd look at the magazines.

Any doctor will tell you a great treatment for depression is exercise, physical exertion, that it really ups the dopamine in your brain, so that's what a show is. I play a show and that's a high for me; I can ride that.

I don't feel like I've ever been in mainstream society.

Growing up, my experience with transsexualism was nothing but shame. It was something very hidden, and dealt with very privately.

When I was fourteen years old, I got arrested for battering an officer and resisting arrest with violence. I was beat up by the cops and they charged me with that. There was no original arresting charge.

I'm big on hair. I love Julianne Moore's hair. That's all I'd like: Julianne Moore hair.

Going on tour for 10 years straight and playing 200-plus shows a year, you can't ever come back from that mentally. You're twisted in a weird way where you need that in order to be a person still.

I like the idea that the body is a vessel, that it's not necessarily representative of the real you that's inside of it.

I really like dumb romantic comedies; that's the way I can turn my brain off and let go.