Layla Moran

Layla Moran


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Layla Moran

The war against sexism is portrayed increasingly a battle long ago won. To which my response is, 'if only'.

By allowing many adult learners to retrain and upskill throughout their careers, colleges provide expertise for key sectors.

There is no single cause of homelessness, and vulnerable people, those with mental health problems and addictions for example, need support not punishment.

From a young age, pupils are put under immense amounts of pressure in high-stakes exams. Often, they're made to feel like their whole future depends on how they perform in these narrowly focussed tests.

Climate change is the biggest issue facing our planet. Extreme weather hit every populated continent in 2018, killing, injuring and displacing millions.

Sure, sexism is not confined to the Conservatives. Harriet Harman has suggested that Gordon Brown didn't make her deputy prime minister because she was a woman.

I like the idea of a Citizen's Assembly that has been used in Ireland, providing a forum in which to discuss the nuances of an issue before deciding if and how it should be put to the people.

Certainly anyone who complains of sexism is marked down as humourless.

One of my earliest memories is Mum telling me not to have as many sweets as the other kids because I put on weight so easily.