Leandra Medine

Leandra Medine


United States


QUOTES BY Leandra Medine

Sometimes I wear red lipstick - it makes me feel sophisticated.

When I'm wearing red lipstick, I'll never do anything with my eyes. And it's so easy - you just put on red lipstick, and your whole face just seems done.

When you have a voice, you also have a moral obligation to use that voice for good.

I have a degree in journalism, which is something that I make very clear very frequently just so people are aware of it. I went to school to write... Editorial integrity is very important to me.

Man Repeller is intended to chronicle all the fashion trends that women love and men hate. I started it because I am woman with a deep appreciation for harem pants. And sometimes blaming clothing on a sad love life is easier than blaming oneself!

As long as you are promoting something that you really believe in - yes, it's incredible to see that designer earn the esteem they deserve - but there's something to be said about the fact that if you're convicted about an opinion, and you really believe something's great, you're not going to credit yourself for their success.

You're not stupid because you're interested in fashion, period.

Part of what dressing for yourself means requires your understanding that the scrutiny of others is frankly irrelevant.

I knew I wanted to be a fashion writer but didn't want to contribute to the over-saturated market unless I could contribute in a meaningful way.