Letitia Baldrige

Letitia Baldrige


United States


QUOTES BY Letitia Baldrige

Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings.

Good manners are cost effective. They not only increase the quality of life in the workplace, they contribute to employee morale, embellish the company image, and play a major role in generating profit.

Chivalry isn't dead. It's just no longer gender-based.

Politeness decrees that you must listen to be kind; intelligence decrees that you must listen to learn.

If you really screw up, send roses.

When in doubt, look at what everyone else is doing.

I talk about beepers going off in the middle of a concert and people being late and not apologizing, and people not RSVP-ing, and adult children going back to live with their parents, which we didn't have in the '60s and '70s.

A bride is a bride the first time around. The white dress and the white veil are symbolic. So many people are breaking the rules that people don't know what the rules are.

When writing a thank-you if you've had lunch with someone downtown, send an e-mail. If somebody is giving you a dinner party in his or her home and all the work that takes, that person deserves a written thank-you.

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