Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson




QUOTES BY Liam Neeson

Every cliche about kids is true; they grow up so quickly, you blink and they're gone, and you have to spend the time with them now. But that's a joy.

Yeah, well, I finally stopped smoking for good.

In real life, wolves will do anything to avoid contact with mankind.

I'm a big believer in acts of kindness, no matter how small.

It's an ongoing joy being a dad.

I try to stay fit. I try and do something every day but I don't jog. My body hates jogging.

Some mornings you wake up and think, gee I look handsome today. Other days I think, what am I doing in the movies? I wanna go back to Ireland and drive a forklift.

For every successful actor or actress, there are countless numbers who don't make it. The name of the game is rejection. You go to an audition and you're told you're too tall or you're too Irish or your nose is not quite right. You're rejected for your education, you're rejected for this or that and it's really tough.

For all of nature's wonder and beauty, it is also hostile and unpredictable.