Lili Reinhart

Lili Reinhart


United States


QUOTES BY Lili Reinhart

It's just a matter of finding the styles, finding the fabrics, shapes, that accentuate your own body. You can't be altered, but the clothes can.

You don't need to ever justify the way you feel.

People are going to criticize you no matter what, so I'm going to say whatever the hell I want to say.

I'm kind of a warrior for love, and I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I have cystic acne, and sometimes when I have a breakout, it triggers me back to that time when I was a teen and I feel so self-conscious - like the whole world is looking at my bad skin. I've definitely not gone out of the house because of a breakout, which is horrible.

Your feelings are validated by the fact that you're feeling them.

Taking ownership of your feelings is so vital to getting better.

I have a best friend in my life who I know is my soulmate.

My relationships are between me and whomever I'm with, not between me and the world.