Lou Williams

Lou Williams


United States


QUOTES BY Lou Williams

I've always gotten doubled. Coming off the bench, people try to eliminate bench scorers, so that's been my experience for years now. You just find ways to beat it.

A.I. didn't ask me to do a bunch of stuff for him. He just wanted me around. Usually we were at the Friday's in Philly, which he should have bought, because he was there so much.

Even though I've been tagged as a scorer and a guy who shoots a lot, I'm a guy that makes the best plays that I possibly can.

I've always said to my teammates that 'two points is two points, whether it's yours or mine.'

I enjoyed my time in Houston but it was short-lived and it really didn't make a huge impression on my life.

I always said if I had a son, I was going to give him a unique name.

The Rockets paid a healthy price for Chris Paul.

I'm kind of arrogant and cocky when I play... It's kind of weird. It's like I have split personalities.

Repetitions - I think that's one of the best ways during the season to maintain something or get better at it, is just to do it over and over.