Luis Enrique

Luis Enrique



Football Coach

QUOTES BY Luis Enrique

When someone oversteps the mark, there's a referee.

Messi is an extraterrestrial in every sense, and I'm very fortunate that I was able to enjoy the best, or one of the best, versions of him. Without a doubt, he's the number one, and to be that, you have to control every aspect and be very strong physically.

If we want to be champions, we have to do our homework on all opponents, regardless of their position in La Liga or the stadium.

Results like 8-0 wins build confidence.

Being a player for a big team like Barca, you have to be very strong.

I love coaches that think more about attacking than defending. As a football fan, I think that's wonderful.

I feel happy because I have enjoyed a lot making Barca fans happy by winning trophies, and that makes me proud.

I want all the titles.

When you're leading 4-1, the opponent has nothing to lose.