Luther Strange

Luther Strange


United States


QUOTES BY Luther Strange

Our farmers feed the world. They are up before dawn and work till well after sunset. They face any number of challenges they can't control, from too much rain to not enough, from disease to insect infestations.

I've had the honor and privilege of knowing Jeff for over 25 years. He's been a dear friend and a mentor, and there is no finer person in public service than Jeff Sessions. He's conducted himself with the greatest integrity of any public official I've ever met.

You can't erase history.

A job is the best cure for poverty, and that's why economic development and job creation has been my principle focus.

Under President Obama, we saw an unwarranted extension of amnesty programs which neglected the root of the illegal immigration crisis. We saw a troubling lack of urgency in addressing the sanctuary cities which subvert the rule of law.

We rely on the rule of law. I think we've lost touch with that concept in Washington.

Debate about the causes and consequences of climate change and the policy positions taken in response to it should be encouraged, not silenced.

Governing through federal ultimatum grates against our history, traditions, and, most importantly, our Constitution.

I have the utmost confidence in Sen. Sessions, now General Sessions.