M. Shadows

M. Shadows


United States


QUOTES BY M. Shadows

The reality is you either step into the future, or you become a dinosaur.

We go out there and kill it every night, and you can see what this means to people.

Ever since 'Hail to the King,' we've been more cognizant of our chord progressions, our key changes, drama in songs, a lot of dynamics - we've really added a lot of that in there.

I recall us selling out L.A.'s 5,000-capacity Gibson Amphitheatre and flying straight to Germany to play a 300-capacity room where we'd only sold 120 tickets. This was when 'City Of Evil' was really taking off in the U.S., but it seemed like Europe was less interested.

I went to this vocal coach, Ron Anderson, who has worked with Axl Rose and Chris Cornell, to train my voice and learn a whole new way of singing.

I've said the Grammys messed up metal because it's not on TV. What I'm saying is when you're in a metal category, it's not televised, and it doesn't move the needle forward for metal artists, and I wish they had more respect for the genre.

No. 1 records are fine, but in 2016, they just don't mean as much any more - the currency has changed.

We are ever evolving and never repeat ourselves.

Our band has always been really big on imagery. We've kind of used that as one of our strengths; we tend to do that pretty well.