





Just enjoy every moment - don't stress. Just be yourself.

Being a solo artist in general can be incredibly lonely. It's funny how often the bigger you get sometimes, the lonelier you feel.

I feel so blessed that I grew up in the age of the independent woman, the survivor. I had Destiny's Child telling me I didn't need a man to feel good about myself, and I want to carry on that message.

I feel incredibly lucky to have grown up with creative parents and around creative people, many of whom live with anxiety. My mum would sometimes say that it was a beautiful thing, and that it would come in handy when making music - and it's made me a more empathetic person.

I think the best thing that I can do is be myself. I don't know about being a role model; I think placing that sort of title on myself is too much. It's trying to be this thing that puts loads of pressure on something.

Whenever I have a bad day, I tell everybody around me, 'Just so guys know I am having a bad day and I am nervous about these things,' and that makes all the difference.

Harry Styles threw a cream pie at my face in front of 15,000 people to thank me for the months we spent on the road.

Gigs are my favourite thing - even the not so good ones, because you always learn something.

'Finders Keepers' is guaranteed to create a vibe. If I'm having a difficult show, then I know I've got that song at the end to turn it around, and the phones will come out.