Maggie Rogers

Maggie Rogers


United States


QUOTES BY Maggie Rogers

When I was little, my mum would take me to see the orchestra, tell me to close my eyes and think about the story the music was telling. I always spoke about colours. I'd talk about how purple the oboe was.

I dress as a combination of space cowgirl and San Francisco art teacher.

When I got to NYU, I had applied based on playing folk music, and they said, 'You're the banjo girl,' so I thought ,'OK, I'm the banjo girl.'

The music industry is so cool because it's constantly changing.

I'm a feminist, so it's just a really nice creative energy to work with a lot of women.

I've always measured a good day as one where I can read, write, and run.

It's not like I see colours. It's just, for me, an incredibly strong association between music and colour.

I just kind of, like, know who I am. I think that comes from having an incredibly strong sense of purpose for a very long time.

What I love about going home is that, if I turn my phone off or don't open my computer, nothing's changed. Obviously, the world has changed for me, but home looks and feels exactly the same.