Maika Monroe

Maika Monroe


United States


QUOTES BY Maika Monroe

I've never experienced complete terror, knock on wood, or running for my life or any of that.

Acting is such a crazy industry, but kite boarding keeps me grounded.

With a project like 'The 5th Wave,' you do something you would never do in your normal life; I would never have had S.W.A.T. training or boot camp, and there's something really cool about learning stuff like that that's really fun about our job.

There's a lot of comedy in 'The Guest,' so it was a bit more fun in a sense - it wasn't so heavy like 'It Follows.'

A lot of times, I'll get roles where it's the dumb blonde or the cheerleader, and I just have no interest - and it can be a great movie, it really can - or the mean girl; those things don't intrigue me much.

You can learn more from a person just from their observations and how they see the world. More so than just talking.

In the Dominican Republic, my mom and I lived in this little tiny town called Cabarete, which is very poor.

I'd never thought of horror as being so challenging, but it is.

I would really love to play a superhero. That is definitely up there on my list. Captain Marvel especially. That would be so cool.