Mandy Ingber

Mandy Ingber


United States


QUOTES BY Mandy Ingber

No matter what twists and turns your life offers you, your ability to be adaptable and flexible will help you to stay open to all of the hidden gifts that difficulty may offer.

I schedule 'me' time because, just like everyone else, I need to unwind. I try to remember to take it easy and breathe.

Have gratitude for all that you have, and you can be happy exactly as you are.

We're always in the middle of two energies. Gravity is sinking you down; inspiration is pulling you up.

Yoga is equal parts strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance.

Especially when you have a lot going on, you must find a way to unplug and focus on yourself.

We hold a lot of emotional energy in the hips, which is why they're often tight.

Be grateful for what you already have. Set aside the time to take care of yourself, too.

Each organ is related to an emotion, and the lungs are related to grief. When you clear your lungs, you eliminate grief and sadness.