Mariella Frostrup

Mariella Frostrup


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Mariella Frostrup

Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.

Only those with skin as thick as elephant hide can hope to sail through their teens unscathed by self-doubt and bouts of depression.

The great advantage of being human is that we can employ rational thought and resolve to change our circumstances.

Mixed messages are just part and parcel of the romantic terrain, and rather than berate yourself for any crossed wires, you'd do better to work on your future resilience.

I was raised a socialist by two very socialist parents, and I still feel very animated about socialist principles.

Sustaining true friendship is a lot more challenging than we give it credit for.

We invest less in our friendships and expect more of friends than any other relationship. We spend days working out where to book for a romantic dinner, weeks wondering how to celebrate a partner or parent's birthday, and seconds forgetting a friend's important anniversary.

I recognise my old self in a lot of the letters I get from single women who are unrealistic about what they want.

My parents split up, and a lot of things going on in the outside world made me want to immerse myself in an alternative world.

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