Mark Goulston

Mark Goulston


United States


Mark Goulston is a psychiatrist, executive coach and consultant to major organizations. He is the inventor and developer of the process called Surgical Empathy whereby using targeted and focused empathy, one is able to break through to people and free them from internal emotional and psychological blocks that can impair their functioning, well-being and satisfaction in life.

QUOTES BY Mark Goulston

A leader who is confused or confusing causes too much anxiety, and a leader who is too controlling is revealing more insecurity and a lack of leadership.

Being alone with fear can rapidly turn into panic. Being alone with frustration can rapidly turn into anger. Being alone with disappointment can rapid turn into discouragement and, even worse, despair.

Few things detract more from your credibility and the respect of your colleagues and peers than being called on the carpet to deflect accusations and defend an untruth.

Do what you say you're going to do. Follow through means never having to say you're sorry.

Show people a positive path that enables them to make progress on their own terms. Give them options and alternatives that empower them.

Speak the truth. People will forgive an honest mistake; they won't forgive you if you lie.

When you ask someone a question, you trigger an unconscious flashback of their having been put on the spot earlier in life by a teacher, parent, or coach, and you create a syntactical 'you versus me' disconnect.

Know what's important and what isn't. Have the wisdom to know the right thing to do, the integrity to do it, the character to stand up to those who don't, and the courage to stop those who won't.

Leadership is more about clarity than it is about control.