Martin Landau

Martin Landau


United States


QUOTES BY Martin Landau

Great teachers are the ones who inspire you.

Life is a roller coaster. There are ups; there are downs. There are hills; there are valleys, peaks, and so on.

A good director makes a playground and allows you to play.

I always tried to play the bad guys as guys who didn't know they were bad guys. There are villains we run into all the time, but they don't think they are doing anything wrong. If they do, they think they are cunning and smart. When people break laws and ethical rules, they justify it in their own terms.

I don't like to sound immodest, but I believe in what I can do. Sometimes it's been frustrating because I haven't gotten to bat; if you're on the bench, and an unimaginative person doesn't see you as right for a certain role, you don't get the chance to hit the home run.

I could play a lot of things. And it's hard for people and logically hard and understandably hard for people to think of me for certain roles.

I started teaching when I was in my 20s because Lee Strasberg asked me to, and he didn't do that with a lot of people.

My mantra is 'stay perpendicular.' Horizontal is not as good.

How a character hides his feelings tells us something about him.