Matt Barnes

Matt Barnes


United States


QUOTES BY Matt Barnes

It's tough to stay focused and be able to separate life from our job. We are paid to perform, and we are performers. You gotta have good brothers to lean on.

Co-parenting is probably the toughest situation that I've had to deal with because my ex and I really just don't get along. So, at the end of the day, I would tell any parents listening that once you're separated from your significant other - the father of your children, the mother of your children - the most important thing is the kids' happiness.

I look at my team as my family and I will do anything for my family.

I hated Mo Cheeks.

I play basketball hard-nosed and if you're not on my team, during that 48 minutes we're enemies.

Fatherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me.

In order to win a championship, you've got to be consistent.

This social media era is giving us a more in-depth look at our favorite people, and it's all aspects, from music to movies to television to sports. I think it has been somewhat of a distraction at times, but also a huge benefit.

I've never had a huge contract.