Matt Cassel

Matt Cassel


United States


QUOTES BY Matt Cassel

I have tunnel vision. I go out and try to get better each and every day.

One of our big duties as a player is not to dwell on the past and stay in the now because that's the only way you're going to continue to move forward and be successful.

Even if you're in a backup role, you've always got to prepare yourself.

From one week to the next, everything changes from who you're playing to the defense's scheme. You just try to build on the things that you did well and correct the things that you did poorly in the game; then, move forward from there and hopefully continue to get better and better and better as you move forward.

My father grew up in West Texas, in Lubbock, and I've got family here, and I grew up a Dallas Cowboy fan all my life.

It's been a childhood dream of mine to be a Cowboy, honestly.

I have big hopes and big dreams and aspirations to do great things in the NFL.

Everybody is allowed to have their own opinion.

Honestly, I have no ill will toward Kansas City or anything that happened here.