Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy


United States


QUOTES BY Matt Hardy

Love isn't a switch you can turn on and off. You just can't get rid of it, regardless of the circumstances, if you truly love someone.

A McDonald's cheeseburger with no mustard is my guilty pleasure.

My broken brilliance will shine a light in the darkness.

I don't have an end game. Being a celestial being, I live for the moment to fight the Great War, and that is to light the darkness.

I actually find fondness and appreciation for the Bray Wyatt. I see that he is driven by a higher power, much like I am driven and motivated and inspired and given strength by the Seven Deities.

The most important thing any broken individual can do is keep their chin up and keep moving forward.

Father Time is the enemy none of us can beat.

When I wrestle as a tag team with my brother, it's always great because we realize as our bodies, our vessels, age, we know we can't do this forever.

I want to take chances. I want to kind of step out of my comfort zone, whatever that may be.