Matt Riddle

Matt Riddle


United States


QUOTES BY Matt Riddle

My parents told me if I wanted to fight, they wouldn't support me.

I'm about great competition. That's why I can have a great smile beforehand and connect with the crowd, and then, when I get in the ring, I flip that switch.

Any match with Keith Lee is definitely circled on my calendar.

I like wrestling the bigger guys, personally, because I can lay into them harder, and they can dish it back out.

I know I'm skilled - I know my background - and the people who are familiar with my credentials know better than to try me.

I love working with new guys, especially MMA guys.

I am me. I've always been a character, and my character's story lives into pro wrestling.

In pro wrestling, if somebody throws a move, it's my job not to get hurt but also to sell the move and make it look like I'm dying.

Even when you're on top in the UFC, you only get paid a couple times a year.