Maxine Peake

Maxine Peake


United Kingdom


Maxine Peake is an English actress and narrator. She appeared as Twinkle in dinnerladies and Veronica Ball in Shameless, barrister Martha Costello in the BBC legal drama Silk, and Grace Middleton in the BBC drama series The Village, and starred in the Black Mirror episode "Metalhead".

QUOTES BY Maxine Peake

A few things make a person stylish: honesty, imagination with a sprinkling of humour. I still keep an eye on trends, but I don't follow them any more.

I have recurring dreams about losing my temper, which become quite violent. I dread to think what that says about me.

We take things at face value, don't we? You form an opinion about something immediately, but you ought to step back a bit. Take in the vista first.

I am an actor. I love acting, and I absolutely love what I do, but I don't want it to be every waking hour.

I actually used to compete at show-jumping when I was a young'un.

I think you can tell a lot by someone's footwear - cowboy boots would put me off, as would a man in Ugg boots or Crocs.

The films, the music, the telly that I like is always a little bit more on the margins.

In my 20s, I was going round seeing agents who were patronising because I was fat and a girl, which was a double whammy. I knew what it was to feel out-of-the-loop.

I'd rather go down with an almighty bang than play it safe.