Mercedes Schlapp

Mercedes Schlapp


United States

Public Servant

Mercedes Schlapp is an American communications specialist and political commentator for both English and Spanish media.

QUOTES BY Mercedes Schlapp

Pretending that voter fraud does not exist puts the integrity of our voting process at risk.

Voter fraud especially matters when elections are close.

The likeability and popularity of 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson stem from his quick wit and honest assessment of situations that arise in reality television.

Unfortunately, our country has become so politically polarized that one side routinely attempts to destroy and discredit the other.

War is brutal, barbaric and bloody.

Great leaders find a way to rise above politics while at the same time keeping their party's loyalists in the fold.

How many times did your parents tell you to eat your food because there were starving children in Africa? Throwing away food was considered a sin in my family.

If a student believes that taking too many exams is hard or skipping advanced courses for a lighter load is a better deal, just wait until he or she goes to college and needs to prepare for finals or has to figure out complex work problems in a stressful environment.

Scandals have impacted many politicians' careers and aspirations. Some have survived, and others have fallen.

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