Michael Morhaime

Michael Morhaime


United States


Michael "Mike" Morhaime is an American video game developer and entrepreneur. He is the chief executive officer and founder of Dreamhaven, located in Irvine, California.

QUOTES BY Michael Morhaime

I think if you're a small studio, you're living or dying by the success of the next project, it takes a lot of superhuman effort - or at least it did for us.

We're always trying to improve and to make our games better.

Activision has their own games. Blizzard has our own games. We're not going to go in and fire their people and they aren't going to come in and fire any of ours.

If we were to choose to do something on a console, the merger with Activision is going to be extremely helpful.

'World of Warcraft' was not always a smooth situation. People who played 'World of Warcraft' during the first year can attest to that.

We love BlizzCon. It's great. It's our favorite thing to do. But first and foremost, we're a game company, and we have to make sure we deliver good quality games for our players.

Well, 'Diablo III' went from no players to over 10 million in a very short period of time. It's really difficult to predict that type of response.

When you launch a game, you really don't know how many people are going to show up.

From a development standpoint, at Blizzard Entertainment one of our values of course is commitment to quality.

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