Mike Lindell

Mike Lindell


United States


Michael James Lindell is an American businessman, conspiracy theorist, and the CEO of My Pillow, Inc., a company he founded in 2009. Lindell is an prominent supporter of, and advisor to, former US President Donald Trump.

QUOTES BY Mike Lindell

Most pillows are air supported; the air goes out of them, and then your cervical nerves get bent.

I started out with a carpet-cleaning business. Then I had a lunch wagon business, where you pull up and serve food. Then I had bars and then restaurants.

You know, my sister, she does my hair, and she says, 'Why don't you try changing your hairstyle?' And I go, 'I like it. Why would I change something I like?'

You keep the faith, and with God, all things are possible.

We take such good care of our employees. What I do is think about what I would want my employer to be like. We started helping our employees with every facet of their lives, and our HR problems went from A to Z in reverse.

If you make every pillow like it's your only pillow, and every customer like it's your only customer, I mean, that's an amazing concept.

Twice I got thrown out of casino, literally thrown out by my feet thrown through the front door when I thought I had caught a cheater one night.

99.999% of everything you worry about doesn't even come true anyway.

I give media outlets my direct number.